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Thursday, February 6, 2020

My Note to the #Democrat Party

I'm really disappointed in how scary & "Polite" #Democrats are being that's running for office & already in office. Y'all will never win against #Republicans taking the high road... As a matter of fact its making us Democrat #Voters hope y'all get stomped in 2020! So hopefully y'all will get some courage & stop trying to look like yall the party of such moral high ground & start looking like a party that want to win an #Election! The more we watch yall get walked over and #trump makes fools out of y'all, the more we want to stay home. No matter what excuses y'all make about why yall going to lose in 2020, the fact will be that y'all lost because yall didn't have the heart to go after trump. Every day this #Racist liar make yall look foolish! I'm extremely disappointed in this Democrat party!!! Very disappointed!!! I pray that yall get some heart and go after trump! Y'all scared to call him a liar! Y'all be on tv stuttering talking about "well I don't like to use the word liar...." Thats why y'all going to lose. Y'all pushing people to trump... At least he has heart to strongly defend himself with the lies he tell... Y'all dont got heart to defend yourselves, and the truth is on yall side. It just really irritates me how soft & scary this Democrat party is. Unless y'all get yourselves together, my family & close friends will not be voting for any Democrat if we vote at all. All this soft spoken, bull dems talking on these news shows will be the end of Democrats. Don't believe little ole me, just keep doing what you doing and y'all will see. Because y'all look really soft and sound even softer! #dpc83 

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