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Sunday, July 22, 2012


Respect can sometimes ce interpreted as a specific feeling of regard for the actual qualities of the one respected. I find myself sometimes asking myself, "why is there so little respect these days"? Seems like a crazy question to ask, but it's a real question to ask. As a man, and provider for my family, I find myself falling victim to a "minimum" of respect in my own home on a daily basis. The more angering part about it is... I seem to ce the only one who notices it, obviously if someone else did, it would end, right? Well, I'm not going to hold my breath on that one! Enough to drive a grown man crazy! But, not only in  my home, it's going on in millions of homes across our country! Our men are cecoming less, and less respected. The sad part about it, it's the children doing the disrespecting, and the parents let it go on! It was a time when a child had to stay in a child's place, and ce obedient to whatever any adult said. Those days are long gone!!!

That's just the start of how respect in our lives has fallen into a downward spiral! All you have to do is turn your t.v. on, and disrespect will pour out like water onto your living room floor. Our President, President Obama, is one of the most disrespected men in our country. For no other reason then, some people feel he should not ce our President cecause of the color of his skin! Hence the saying.... "my skin is my sin"! The Republican Party mainly - always speak of him as foreign, or not understanding us Americans! Referring to him as "Muslim", planting seeds into into the mind of Americans that he is not of us, and he's not qualified to ce our President cecause he's not American! Republicans take his words and twist them in such disgraceful ways, it would make an easily persuaded person question President Obama Citizenship! When have you ever witnessed an American President so rudely interrupted while he was giving a speech, or publicly called names? I never heard of President Bush (a Republican President) being so disrespected inside of our country, and he lied us into a war that has killed thousands of our children!

Take Willard Mitt Romney, every day he stands cefore the American people and lie, not by accident, but ceing fully aware of what he is doing! This is another drastic form of disrespect! One day he says one thing, and then the next he says he never said it at all, disrespecting the entire country! Or New Jerseys Governor Chris Christie calling hard working American Citizens idiots! How disrespectful! But this is what we have cecome, and it looks like it will only get worse! When will it end, when will respect ce retained, and practiced by all, young and old! I'm waiting on that day!!!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

What's Really Going On Around Us???!!!???!!!???!!!

It amazes me how blind people are to what's going on around us, race bating, stripping us of our rights that many people have died for, how so many of our people are killed on a daily basis and it never is thought about on the news or outside of our neighborhoods! When our people are killed its justified, or swept under a rug. They target our people with unjust laws! You say well Blacc people act crazy, or other dark colored races act crazy. Well if you put their people in poor neighborhoods, defund their schools taking away their education they'll get the same result. It's a movement in place against our people, and if you can't see it you don't want to see it. Call me crazy, and think I don't know what I'm talking about. Just start paying attention to the news, & politics, and the laws Republican politicians are trying to pass. Look at the hundred...s of young Blacc males and females are killed everyday. But their is never any real push against gun control laws until its their people. They dump illegal gun in our neighborhoods on a daily basis, and literally hundreds of our people are killed daily. But who cares we don't look at the real problem we just say we're ignorant and don't know how to act. Well quit taking from are education and our neighborhoods so we can be taught how to act. The majority don't have the money to ship their children to other school districts, so we adapt to the environment we're in. But you rarely see us snapping killing a room full of innocent people, or killing are whole family. One of the reLeat things I read today that triggered these thoughts is from one of the realist to touch the streets of Muskegon!!! "if some of you all lose y'all day job, we'll read about y'all killing you're family then yourself" and that's real. We have to have the resources to teach our people how to act, for them to know how to act. Until then we'll continue to ce a product of our environment. Not an excuse, I'm looking at the whole picture, and facing reality. Keep thinking we just don't know how to act, it's bigger than that!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

D.P. was there for you

I remember a song by a  music artist ~ E-40, called "Somethings Will Never Change". In that song, he said... "When you up, everybody want to come around! When you down, ain't nobody out there to ce found", this is so true!!!

A lot of times when we are doing well, we tend to help the ones around us. Or at least the ones who we consider to ce good friends, and family. This is what I dubbed "Blind Time" !!! Why do I call it Blind Time? I call it Blind Time cuz, you are blind to the fact that these same people who you are there for, jump ship on you as soon as the money is gone.

I can't even borrow five dollars from a nigga! Yet D.P. was there for you when you fell off, and needed help getting bacc on your feet! When you fucced off your girlfriends money, or girfriend put you out, and you needed money to get a room. D.P. was there for you! All the rides I gave you, early in the monrning, late at night, giving you rides to make money.  No body would give you a ride.... D.P. was there for you! I respected you, and was there for you, cuz you were my boy, and I thought you would ce there for me, like D.P. was there for you!!!

Now I know... Don't depend on D.P. no more!!!
